Glimpses of Grace

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My new book, Glimpses of Grace, Vol. 2: And Grace Will Lead Us Home, continues the theme of God’s grace, hope, and provision throughout the seven years of my husband’s Alzheimer’s disease. The purpose of this book, (and also my first book, Glimpses of Grace, Vol. 1: Walking in Hope through Alzheimer’s and Ordinary Days), is to point towards God as our source of strength and light. I pray that both books serve as vehicles for giving Him the glory, as well as encouraging all who read our story.
Just out... Learn more in this video podcast with AlzAuthors.
Glimpses of Grace, Volumes 1 and 2
During their seven-year journey through Alzheimer’s disease, author Dorothy Horne and her husband Byron learned to open their hearts and trust God. After realizing it wasn’t what happened to them but through them that was most important, they found they could walk through the fire with His provision and strength. The grace they experienced in the midst of their trials became a gift to share with others, for God’s glory.
In these writings, Dorothy chooses to acknowledge but not focus on the negative aspects of living with the disease, but rather on how God is working through it as they seek to walk with His provision and strength. Therefore, the overlying theme of the books is not about a disease but rather about God’s grace, hope, and provision in all circumstances. The purpose of the books is to point to God as the source of strength and light, and serve as a vehicle for giving Him the glory.