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A few reviews...


"In a series of stories of their everyday life, Dorothy courageously shares her and Byron's journey down the dark road of Alzheimer's. With great attention to detail and occasional comments from Byron, she invites us along. The writing is poignant, the advice practical and the story is ever so touching. It delivers spiritual light without denying the darkness."

Robert Hall, noted author, consultant and speaker on relationships




“Dorothy Horne’s essays are always thoughtful, often funny and invariably provoke one to delve more deeply into one’s own emotions and feelings.  Her accounts of her husband’s journey with Alzheimer’s have provided her readers an intimate insight into this difficult situation, and how both he and Dorothy have handled it with courage and faith. She is a fine, endearing writer whose essays read as if you are being told a story by a close friend. I know readers will enjoy this first collection of her work."

Gary Borders, longtime East Texas newspaperman and columnist



"Dorothy's love for Byron rings through her writing, and East Texas has been blessed by her honesty and openness about the challenges, the routine and even the humor of life with Alzheimer’s.”

Juan Elizondomanaging editor, Longview News-Journal



Excerpt from  

"Becoming Light-bearers":


"We are coming to realize that although this is our story, the disease should not be the main idea and neither should we. The main idea is not what happens to us, but what happens through us. Will we live in such a manner that God can use us to become vessels of His love and light?  Will we allow our life circumstances, both the blessings and the trials, to draw us closer to God, or push us further away? Will we live well the story we have been given?


Everything else seems beside the point."





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